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Price: £183.26
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116154 Features: -Espresso coffee machine. -Arc range. -Brushed steel colour. -Material: Metal. -Solid build and rust free body. -Large removable drip tray with stainless steel grate. -Pump driven machine. -Works with ground coffee only. -Professional type chrome forged brass brewing handle. -Large diameter brew head. -Froth enhancer easily produces thick creamy milk for cappuccino. -Removable 30 cup side filling water reservoir can also be topped-up while the equipment is at use. -16 Bar pressure delivers professional espresso. -Includes top quality brass boiler. -Includes solenoid anti drip valve to prevent dripping after coffee is brewed. -Made in Spain. -Manufacturer provides A couple of years warranty. -Overall dimensions: 320 cm H x 220 cm W x 280 cm D.

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