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A pump machine may be the most traditional and well-known way to create espresso, using the filter holder and ground coffee. The De'Longhi EC330S with professional-level 15 bar pressure provides the ideal introduction on the whole world of coffee and a hands-on Barista experience of your individual home.
The EC330S Pump-Driven Espresso Maker, in a very stylish brushed stainless steel finish, might be used with both ground coffee and ESE (Easy Serving Espresso) pods for added convenience and makes both espresso and cappuccino. The cappuccino system, based while on an in-built manual frothing arm, mixes steam, air and milk to develop a rich and creamy froth. The self-priming system keeps the EC330S ready for use whatsoever times.
Easy to use, with only three buttons necessary for operation (on/off, coffee and cappuccino), this machine features a transparent 1 Litre water reservoir that might be refilled at any time, a stainless steel boiler longer life as well as a deep, removable drip tray.
The EC33OS also includes a cup warmer, built-in coffee tamper, adjustable steam emission and separate thermostats for that coffee and steam.
1 x Coffee machine
1 x Ground coffee measuring spoon
1 x Filter holder
1 x 1-cup filter basket
1 x 2-cup filter basket
1 x Full product instruction
1 x Fitted UK plug

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