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Designed for that coffee enthusiast, the Espressivo delivers the greatest cup every time, with each component crafted to ensure a deliciously rich flavour. From the 15 bar pump delivering the optimum pressure required to create the perfect crema, for the Thermobloc water heating system providing instant hot water and steam on demand, Dualit have regarded everything. Even steamer nozzle frothing up milk into fluffy foam for your cappuccino is easy to use, while using at least fuss and mess. Not only is the Espressivo sturdy and durable, making an effort to create the ideal cup of coffee, it packs an identical punch in the style stakes effortlessly the design attributes you'd probably expect from Dualit. Sleek curves, tactile materials, chunky dials as well as a compact size create a winning combination.
1 x Coffee machine
1 x Coffee holder
3 x Stainless steel pods
1 x Instruction leaflet

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