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RRP: £49.99
Price: £33.99 & this item Delivered FREE in the UK with Super Saver Delivery. See details and conditions
You Save: £16.00 (32%)
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There's nothing that can match a brand new coffee to kick start your day, for a quick pick-me-up inside afternoon in order to enjoy after a relaxing meal. The Morphy Richards Cafe Mattino filter coffee maker includes a programmable timer so you can always wake approximately freshly brewed coffee, and its 12-cup capacity can make it perfect for entertaining. The anti-drip device means there is not any mess, while the easy-to-clean filter makes all the Cafe Mattino an easy task to look after, so you are able to obtain the most beyond your coffee maker. The heat-resistant carafe and thermostatic hotplate make sure the coffee stays hot so that second cup is definitely ready.

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