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RRP: £129.00
Price: £122.33 & this item Delivered FREE in the UK with Super Saver Delivery. See details and conditions
You Save: £6.67 (5%)
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The Cuisinart Grind and Brew filter coffee maker grinds fresh coffee beans and it is fully automatic. It can make up to 10 glasses of coffee in only eight minutes and it is fully programmable. The coffeemaker is fully programmable with preset brewing times. Other great features add a permanent professional gold tone filter which will not distort the flavors of the coffee as well as a double walled insulated carafe which not only looks good and can keep the coffee warm for up to 12 hours.
DGB650BCU Features: -Filter coffee machine. -Grind and brew automatic, 12 cups. -Fully automatic 10 cups filter coffee maker. -Fully programmable. -Insulated thermal carafe with vacuum sealed lid. -Grind off option. -Commercial gold tone filter. -Separate grinding chamber and filter area. -Ground coffee beans. -Digital display. -3 Years guarantee.

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